
The CBU-97 is an unguided Cluster Bomb available to the AV-42C and the F/A-26B. It is initially deployed like a Mk. 82 Bomb, though it is recommended to deploy it using the CCRP Auto function for better accuracy. The bomb has a minimum release altitude to give the submunitions time to deploy. It functions well as an alternative to the CAGM-6 Cluster Missile, especially against larger groups of targets. The dispersion area cannot be adjusted.

When the bomb reaches its activation altitude, it deploys 10 sub-munition dispensers on parachutes each containing 4 explosively-shaped Skeet charge penetrators. When the sub-munition dispensers reach their activation heights, the Skeets swing out and shoot upwards. They then scan the area below them with built in optical sensors, and if they find a valid enemy target, they fire off armor-penetrating projectiles to destroy the targets.
