Infantry Comparison

A direct comparison of the allied (left) and enemy (right) Infantry units.

"Standard infantry soldier equipped with an assault rifle." -- Mission Editor description

The most basic units in the game, available for both the allied and enemy factions. They will engage targets with their machine gun rifles. Their machine guns largely pale in comparison to weapons such as the Z20x2 Anti-Air Artillery turrets, but still have the potential to deal a fair amount of damage to passing low-flying aircraft, especially if multiple infantrymen are in a tight formation. They can ride in the back of the AV-42 as passengers and each soldier adds 90kg to the mass of the aircraft.

There is also another variant of the common infantryman available: the Infantry MANPADS.

Allied Military
Aircraft AH-94AV-42CB-11 BomberE-4 OverlordF-45AF/A-26BKC-49 TankerMQ-31
Ground Units C-RAM TruckInfantry (MANPADS) • M1 TankRocket Artillery TruckSLAM TruckSRADWatchman Truck
Stationary Emplacements Bunker AFire Ctrl Radar PStorage Tent ASAM Launcher PSAM S/A Radar (Allied)
Sea Aircraft CarrierAllied CruiserAssault Carrier
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.

Enemy Military
Aircraft ASF-30ASF-33ASF-58GAV-25 BullsharkHB-106 BomberManta UCAV
Ground Units Infantry (MANPADS) • IRAPC • MAD-4 (Launcher/Radar) • MPA-155Rocket Artillery TruckSAAWMBT2-E Tank
Stationary Emplacements Bunker ASAM Fire Control RadarSAM S/A Radar (Enemy)SAM LauncherStorage Tent AZ20x2 Anti-Air Artillery
Sea DMS CruiserDrone CarrierGun Boat (Rocket, Mine) • NFP CarrierNMSS Cruiser
(Parenthesis) denote unit variants.